Hawaiian Swimming LSC Board of Directors

Voting Members Positions Full Name Term Beginning Term Expiration
LSC General Chair David Coleman 1-Jan-25 31-Dec-28
LSC Admin. Vice Chair Jon Hayashida 1-Jan-25 31-Dec-28
LSC Senior Vice-Chair Scott Pinter 1-Jan-23 31-Dec-26
LSC Age Group Vice Chair Malcolm Cooper 1-Jan-24 31-Dec-25
LSC Finance Vice Chair Eugene Dryzmala 1-Jan-23 31-Dec-24
LSC Secretary Christina Gervais 1-Jan-25 31-Dec-26
LSC Treasurer Deborah Christian 1-Jan-24 31-Dec-25
LSC Senior Coaches Rep Christina Gervais 1-Jan-23 31-Dec-24
LSC Junior Coaches Rep Jasmine Maui 1-Jan 24 31-Dec-25
LSC Senior Board Athlete Rep. Parker Muench 1-Aug-24 31-July-25
LSC Junior Board Athlete Rep. Kona Flanagan 1-Aug-24 31-July-26
LSC Officials Representative Russell Iwamura 1-Mar-24 31-Feb-25
LSC Membership/Registration Chair Gwenn Tomiyoshi 1-Jan-24 31-Dec-25
LSC Technical Planning Committee Chair Malcolm Cooper 1-Jan-24 31-Dec-25
LSC Officials Chair Stephanie Monahan 1-Jan-25 31-Dec-25
LSC Safe Sport Chair -vacant- 1-Jan-25 31-Dec-25
LSC DEI Chair Joyce Follis 1-Jan-25 31-Dec-25
LSC At-Large (BIS) Jon Hayashida (until replaced) 1-Jan-25 31-Dec-25
LSC At-Large (MAGSA) Reid Yamamoto 1-Jan-24 31-Dec-24
LSC At-Large (OSL) Ryan Muraoka 1-Jan-24 31-Dec-24
LSC At-Large Athlete Rep. (BIS) Finn Wirum 1-Aug-24 31-July-25
LSC At-Large Athlete Board Rep. (MAGSA) Aika Swanson 1-Aug-24 31-July-25
LSC At-Large Athlete Board Rep.(Oahu) Kei Nishikawa 1-Aug-24 31-July-25
LSC At-Large Athlete Board Rep. (Oahu) Johanna Zeebe 1-Aug-24 31-July-25
LSC At-Large Athlete Board Rep. (Kauai) Brandon Lin 1-Aug-24 31-July-25
Non-Voting Board of Directors Members 
LSC Operational Risk Saint Marie-Gough 1-Jan-25 31-Dec-25
LSC Camps Coordinator -- Vacant -- 1-Jan-25 31-Dec-25
LSC National Times Coordinator Malcolm Cooper 1-Jan-25 31-Dec-25
LSC Top Times Tabulator Malcolm Cooper 1-Jan-25 31-Dec-25
LSC Open Water Coordinator -- Vacant --    
LSC Records Coordinator Stephanie Monahan 1-Jan-25 31-Dec-25
LSC Webmaster Malcolm Cooper 1-Jan-25 31-Dec-25
LSC Team Hawaii Coordinator -- Vacant --    
LSC Governance Eric Nagoshi 1-Jan-25 31-Dec-25

At large Athlete Appointments to the HOD 

Emma Nakamoto, at-large HOD representative from Oahu; Dion Chung, at-large HOD representative from Oahu; Sadie Stafford, at-large HOD representative from Maui; Ethan Ng, at-large representative from Big Island; and Jaina Sam, at-large HOD representative from Kauai. Their terms are from October 20, 2024 to July 31, 2025.

Western Zone Board of Review and Western Zone Sanction Appeal

        Connect to the Western Zone Board of Review and Western Zone Sanction Appeal website here

Meeting Dates: Link to the BOD Schedule Page

Delegates Meetings refer to meetings of the House of Delegates (HOD), the highest governing body for the LSC.

Board Meetings refer to meetings of the Board of Directors, which acts on behalf of the HOD and oversees the day to day affairs and events in the LSC.

Committee Meetings refer to meetings of the standing committees and task forces of the LSC. These are often done using electronic communication to better enable participation of members from across the LSC. The work of the LSC goes on at the Committee level where issues are studied, schedules created, education programs implemented, and policies and rules developed. The Committees then report their results and recommendations to the Board, which acts on their recommendations and develops the agenda for the House of Delegates.  Committee Listing, Members, Meetings and Minutes.

Board Meeting Times and Location:

Unless announced otherwise LSC Board and House of Delegates meetings start at 9:30 AM. The place will be announced with the event notice on this site.